Saturday, October 4, 2014

Theron the Ghost on sale

For you readers of the paranormal, here's a story that will tell you what happens after death and how to get back.

Promotional price: $1.99
Coupon Code: AD55R
Expires: November 24, 2014

Here's a comment from a Kindle reader:

I really enjoyed the book both for its wry humor and intelligent use of language.

However, an author who can properly use "eidetic" in a sentence or describe "a maelstrom of antithetical concepts" should be chastised for careless editing which lost him/her a star in my rating.

While there are numerous " accidental" errors such as suite for suit, draw for drawer, breath for breathe, in my judgment some of the more egregious errors should have been caught SOMEwhere in the editing process. I'm talking about gentile for genteel, "here, here" for "hear, hear" and misspelling words like Shakespearean and capicola. {all fixed by the author}

Overall the book provides some astute observations on human behavior in general and family interactions in particular especially where money is involved. Death seems to have made Theron--- in life a self-centered, shallow individual--- into a philosopher who muses on the meaning of life whilst trying to solve the mystery of his murder.

For readers who are adverse to cursing, be aware there are multiple variations on feces and personal pejoratives. I could handle the profanity but was less complacent about the physical attacks spouses made on each other...methinks a bit of overkill on the violence included toward the end. Basically the author does a remarkable job of describing some despicable characters.

I liked the irreverent ghostly aspects, hence the title reference to "Topper." His haunting sequences on the above-mentioned despicable characters are well executed.

All in all one of the better free Kindle books I've downloaded.

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